NEW Sales

New: Mesinger #2 Price   300€  For sale cheap, Mesinger No.2 on a rebuilt steel pan. Rear bolt spacing is 28cm (11") rear bolt and front second 23cm (9") front are 2.5cm (1") apart Color is dark brown to red, Beige thread. Antique brass rivets.         15,12,23               SOLD

NEW !!!

I am selling these two seats now at a discount. The customer changed the color from black to brown late. Of course I complied and made a new one. :-). I can't sell these two in black for a month, that's why I'm putting them on sale for the summer :-). Troxel from 420 to 380Euro  .. and Mesinger Racer from 280 to 240 Euro . Thanks and I wish everyone a nice summer.. T


I am selling a brand new leather helmet (hood) in black at a discount. Size "M" for head circumference 56-58cm. Original price 330 Euros. Now only 270 Euros + half for postage.. :-)

     New Mesinger Seat  Black - only for 230 Euro

This new "Mesinger" seat is for sale immediately. It is in matt black .. it has low upholstery ...


          New Mesinger Seat - only for 230 Euro


    the customer ordered five natural browns and five pieces in black, in the end he only bought six pieces, so I offer one brown and one black Mesinger saddles at a discount ... free shipping also applies to these saddles
there is only one and one, thank you
there is only one and one, thank you

          Solo seat ,color Dark Walnut 120 Euro



 I made this saddle in the summer at the request of a customer who has not answered (probably drowned :-)), I will sell the new one for only 120 euros